Summary: | Title: Integration of a child with Cerebral Palsy into a drama orientated summer camp - a case study Objectives: The aim of this work is to observe the intagration process and it's impact on the observed Josef K. and his surroundings during the two week's summer camp focused on drama or the drama classes run throughout the year. Methods: In my thesis I used a method of extraneous surveillance of a child: a short term surveillance, during a drama summer camp; and a long term surveillance during an over year drama class, taking place once a week. The other method used was individual and group interviews (focus group) with both: summer camp participants - being divided into groups by age (5-7 years old, 8-10 years old, 11-13years old, 14-16 years old, trainees, supervisors) and drama class members. All information gained I enrolled to evidence sheets. Results: Due to the attendance of the free-time activities, where he is confronted with normal children, the observed individual is used to cope with the real life situations and so manage better in his common life. He is able to distinguish when he is not being understood by his surrenders. All the members of the group attending drama lessons with him or the summer camp appreciate his presence there, taking it as a chance to deepen their empathy level...