Summary: | Title: Basic Training Methodology of Scuba Diving For the Physically Challenged (With a Special Focus on Paraplegia and Quadriplegia) Objectives of this paper: This paper has two principal objectives. The first objective is to explore the views of instructors representing various diving systems on the need to create a training methodology of scuba diving for the physically challenged and, further, to explore the opinion of handicapped divers on this issue. The second, follow-up objective is to develop the basic training methodology of scuba diving for the physically challenged, focusing on paraplegia and quadriplegia. Tasks: To research the literature on the topic - to provide an overall review of literature on scuba diving and a focused review of available literature on scuba diving for the physically challenged; To explore the views of instructors representing various diving systems on the need to create a training methodology of scuba diving for paraplegics and quadriplegics; To explore the opinion of handicapped divers experienced in scuba diving on this issue; To draft a basic training methodology as indicated above. Sample: The interviewed sample consisted of 15 physically challenged people with some experience in scuba diving and 7 people representing the diving systems. Methodology:...