Summary: | Title: Objectification of teaching assistant's job in the implementation process of a student with combined defect in primary school. Aim: Reflections on the practice of teaching assistant working for a student with a combined defect in the integrated primary school. Method: Case study refers to work of teaching assistant and integration of student with a combined defect in the primary school. Two inquiries have been carried out, first in student's class, which is aiming to find out how the integration of the pupil with a combined defect in the presence of an assistant teacher affects the other elementary school pupils in the daily process of teaching, and the second survey was intended for the teaching staff, aimed to integration's assess not only in individual subjects, but in integration as a complex. Results: The integrated way of learning affects most the family and its attitudes. The integration brought pupils important life experiences and taught them new life attitudes, concessions, compromises, team cooperation, but also an understanding and art of refusal. The results show that the presence of an integrated student in the class enriches and motivates some pupils and burdens and tires some others, and that some teachers fully rely on independent work of an assistant teacher. Key words:...