Summary: | Diploma thesis of the specialized field of psychology and organization of work deals with the competencies, competency models and their preparation and use to guide the development of diplomatic civil servants through the testing method of assessment centres. The theoretical part contains the definition of personal psychology, the psychology of work and organization. Then there is analyzed the problem of skills, from the definitions, structure and layout skills, through the descriptions, and types of measurement to a sample of reports skills. Another section is devoted to competency models, shows how to look functional competency model, how to create what may be types of competency models, and presents an overview of competency models that are functional, as verified in practice. The last topic of the theoretical part is the Assessment Centre. Here, in addition to concepts, definitions and description of the assessment centre, the reader learns about the methods used in assessment centres, both standard and non-standard, how the design of assessment centres is created, all with regard to the issue of competence. The conclusion of this section is devoted to the advantages and disadvantages of this method. The practical part focuses on the analysis of a competency model so called trade diplomat. First there...