Summary: | Title: Motivation of Special Olympics athletes for participating and leaving the Special Olympics Program in the Czech Republic Student: Bc. Radka Příhodová Advisor: PhDr. Aleš Kaplan, PhD. Objectives: The main objective of this project is to explore motivation of Special Olympics athletes for participation in Special Olympics Program in the Czech Republic and the reasons why some of the athletes leave the program. A secondary objective is to learn more about Special Olympics coaches, athletes and their families, and to receive further details about coaches' and families perception ofthe Special Olympics Program. Methods: The thesis is divided up into two sections: theoretical and the results. The theoretical section introduces the subject of mental handicap, different views of the term, the classification of the handicap and its etiology. With regard to common occurrence of Down syndrome among the population of people with mental retardation one chapter presents this chromosomal disorder. The pro:file the Special Olympics Program in the world and in the Czech Republic its philosophy and structure form the next part of the theoretical section. Very important component of the theoretical section is the comparison adaptive sport within the frame of the Special Olympics movement and Paralympics...