Summary: | The dissertation is studying conditions, circumstances, methods and problems of motivating and inspiring Czech pupils of secondary schools while teaching them their mother tongue and stylistics. The research focuses on one kind of schools providing secondary education in the Czech Republic, "gymnázium" (the term corresponding best with former "grammar schools" in Great Britain), i.e. the secondary school whose primary aim is to prepare its pupils of the age of 15/16 to 18/19 for further university studies. The aims of the dissertation are: - to define and describe motivational and inspirational factors for teaching Czech language and communication / stylistics; - to provide tcachcrs with theoretical basis as well as practical stimulation for adequate motivation of their pupils; - to contribute to effective fulfilment of educational targets in this educational field. The character of this work is mapping, widely conceived, opening possibilities of further profound studies. The dissertation consists of Introduction, Theoretical Part, Practical Part and Conclusions. Powered by TCPDF (