Summary: | Title: Possibilities ofchanges of body composition of "employed" women Aim of thesis: To find out if raising the level of physical activity of employed women suffering from overweight and obesity by 90- 120 minutes a week together with changes of eating habits for 14 weeks leads to changes of quality of body composition in terms of reducing of fat mass, increase offat free mass and decrease of body weight. Methods: The level of physical activity was evaluated by a questionaire. Eating habits were monitored from the record of eaten food during a typical week. Body composition was measured by means of bioelectrical impedance. Results of the study: It was found out that raising the level of physical activity by 90- 120 minutes a week and change of eating habits with women suffering from overweight and obesity being employed in the office reached statistically significantly lower body weight and percentage of body fat after 14 weeks compared to a control group. There was no significant change in the quantity offat free mass. Key words: biolelectrical impedance analysis, body composition, overweight, obesity, physical activity