Summary: | This work focuses on lifestyle. For the purpo se o f this work life style was reduced only to values and leisure. The qu estion is ho w are values and leisure influenced by s oc io d em o gr af ic factors, living envi romen t, education o f close people and eco n om ic capital. There are four main life values orientations: family, success and con su mp ti on , restful life and immaterial life. Life values are influenced by s o cio dem ogr afi c factors and econ om ica l capital, h o w e v e r exp lained variance is quite low at all values orientation except for success and con sumption. Family life is typical mainly for w o m en the same as te nd enc y to immaterial life. Success and co ns u m p ti o n prefer men. Immaterial way o f life prefer mainly highly edu cated people. The life orient ate d on profit and con su mp ti on is typical for youth and for people with highe r earnings. The o w en s h ip o f real property, the marrital status, living en v i ro m e n t and has no significant effect on life values. More than h a l f o f czech popula tio n is cont ent with the way they spend their leisure time. A m o n g most frequent activities belong wa tc hi ng TV, video and DVD, ho u s ew o r k and ga r den w or k, reading p opu la r books and maga zine s and sport. Czec h people su ppose they watch...