Summary: | Criminalistic ballistics The aim of my thesis is to analyse criminalistic ballistics, which is a technical criminalistic method enabling to convict many offenders. The thesis is composed of five parts, each of them dealing with several aspects of ballistics. The introductory part describes the history of criminalistic ballistics from the end of the eighteenth century to the present. This part deals with the development of criminalistic ballistics not only in the world, but also in the Czech Republic. Part Two explains the concept of criminalistic ballistics and deals with its dividing into four relatively independent areas. These four areas are internal, transient, external and terminal ballistics. The following part concentrates on objects that are explored by criminalistic balllistics. The most imported explored objects are guns, their segments and classification, next it is the ammunition, its segments and types of cartridges followed by subjects which are hit by bullets and last but not least are gunshot residues. Part Four focuses on the origin and occurrence of ballistic traces which are created by particular functional gun's segments during the process of gunshot. This part also deals with searching for carriers of ballistic traces, i.e. bullets, cartridge cases and subjects with traces of...