Summary: | Jana Bílková Predisposition factors of the occurrence of allergies - XIV Master's Degree Thesis Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Field of study: Pharmacy Background: To determine the influence of external and hereditary factors on the occurrence of allergies and to compare the obtained data. Method: A questionnaire study. More than 4000 children born between 1989 and 1990 and 1992 and 1993 always in the same parts of the Czech Republic were included in this study. The questionnaires were filled in by children's parents. The children were divided into two groups - children with and without allergies. The questionnaire contained questions concerning three different stages of their lives - up to two years of age, from six to eight years of age and from eleven to thirteen years of age. The results: We found that the number of children who suffered from all-year round allergic rhinitis and urticaria after eating certain types of foodstuffs and asthma slightly increased during the period of three years. On the contrary, in hay-fever, allergic cough and eczema, the number slightly decreased. There was seen a significant decrease in drug allergy. A hereditary factor was found to be significant in the incidence of allergies, especially when the mother of the child suffered from...