Summary: | The role of the endothelin system in development of hypertension and hypertensive end- organ damage in Ren-2 transgenic rats Endothelin-I (ET-I) has been described as one ofthe most powerful vasoconstrictors, that also play a role in the regulation of renal hemodynamics. ET system plays an important role in the pathogenesis of salt-sensitive models of hl'pertension. The benefícial effects of ET receptor blockers in modulating target-organ damage arise rrom their antiproliferative action. There is, however, a large discrepancy in the effect of ET between various models of hypertension. The hypertensive rat strain transgenic for the mouse Ren-2 (TGR) renin gene is a valuable monogenetic model of renin-dependent and thus angiotensin lI(Ang ll) - dependent hypertension, which exhibits typical signs of fulminant hypertension,i.e. reduced glomerular fíltration rate and proteinuria associated with g1omerulosderosis. Moreover, it carries a salt- sensitive component. We have recently found that nonselective endothelin ETA/ETB receptor blockade markedly improves survival rate and ameliorates end'-organ damage in malcTGR without lowering blood pressure. Because activation ofthe ETA receptor may be responsible for the detrimental effects of ET in the development of hypertension, our study was performed to...