Summary: | Title: The use of altitude training in Olympic cycle 2004-2008 (in the example of rowing) Aim: The operational objective of this work is to provide a summary of selected published information on the issue of altitude training, and its use in rowing. The main aim of this work will be the practical verification of the theory of recovery training at higher altitude, focusing on the example of rowing through the evaluation of biochemical analysis. Another aim will be to determine whether training at higher altitude might have positively affected the performance of rowers in the Olympic cycle 2004-2008. Methodology of work: Based on the knowledge gained from a literature review on the matter we are planning to organize training camps at altitude in the four-year Olympic cycle. According to those tasks and objectives each year in the annual cycle, we chose the suitability of training camp at altitude. During the training camp at altitude as we are use biochemical analysis to test the use of training at altitude in practice. The results: The results of monitoring the internal environment and the hematology using biochemici analysis showed that altitude is limiting for training. Nevertheless, altitude training can be used as a means of improving athletic performance at sea level, because adaptive changes...