Summary: | From 1. 1. 1996, engagements for magistrates and assistents were institute at more of the district and some regional judgements. The law of the Probation and mediation service (PMS) n. 257/2000 Sb. and his useful effect arose to 1. 1. 2001. The main aim of PMS is that she strains intermediation of effective social useful solution of conflicts which are united with penal activity. Currently organizes and supports effective dignified tenure of alternative sentences. For the my diploma work I choose introduction one of alternative penalties a it's penalty of Common useful works. His basis, offender and purporting above his effect. As a practic example I choose one year a in him count carried penalties Common useful works. The main sence of this punishment is that the convict who was sentenced to the penalty of community work has a duty to discharge it on the loose. So there aren't disturbed humans relations between the convict and his / her familly, friends or to a lost of an employment. I have set two amis: 1) Introduction of penalty of Common useful works. 2) Work example of choosen year, what war penalty of Common useful works. And as well the questioning of institucions, in which is the penalty works, at their attitude towards penalty. This diploma Thesis show a process informations, whitch i obtained from...