Summary: | P? Ed? ASEM I got p? Íležitost closer insight into the work of one Laboratory? e AV? R. One of the p? Objects? T? the local research was colorectal carcinoma pathogenetic pathways and identification of its origin.When I m? L for? beginning of the fifth ro? exchanger choose his thesis topic, it seemed advisable to select you n what related rights? with this cancer. Its preventive employees? Measurement then related to p? SPECIFICALLY with the whole concept of our theses, which are show? conclusions of part state? re? No preventive work of doctors? Community. Colorectal cancer is a typical civilized? Her disease? It. The incidence is significant? higher in our Western, rich Euro-American population than in poor t countries? St. etího? and that significant? related to our lifestyle.V?'s New disease? for the year due to the total? the population? R is our land? to first place? St? tových statistics. This is alarming and given the great potential for primary prevention (lifestyle modifications) as well as secondary prevention (In? Same time the detection of disease? Kurabilním stage it in an appropriate screening population), this ratio becomes a topic? rn? significant. In my work I try to give an introduction to the topic of this disease? her, the knowledge of its origin and risk factors. Thus I gradually? HE...