Summary: | The relation between reality and different kinds of unreality is one of the most important subjects in Czech drama written after revolution in 1989. In the last seventeen years a new generation of authors - middle aged dramatics - was formed between the dramatic authors, who started to write before the revolution. Alfred Radok's Association, which organises the dramatic competition (since 1992) and rewards the best Czech and Slovak plays, helped this new generation of dramatics to become more known among people interested in drama. Among these successful "middle aged" dramatics belongs for example Markéta Bláhová, David Drábek, Jiří Pokorný, Roman Sikora, lva Volánková, Petr Zelenka oops. Of course, it is valuable to suceed in Radok's competition not only for this middle aged dramatics generation, but also for older authors who started to write before the revolution and the youngest generation of dramatics as well. My thesis deals with some of the plays written by "middle aged" authors which succeeded in Radok' s competition. David Drábek is one of these "middle aged" authors. In my theses I analyze his plays "Burning giraffes" (Hořící žirafy), "Jane from park" (Jana z parku), "Akvabely" and others. Drábek works with special kind of humour full of fantastic motives very often but at the same time his plays...