Summary: | The present thesis will allow Users to analyze rectangular
plates with or without a rectangular hole with its edges parallel
to the edges of the plate, by using an approximate grid analogy.
The method is completely computerized and the user need
only specify properties, geometry, loading and kind of output desirable.
The computer programs then will generate a deck of cards,
that form a complete STRUDL input. STRUDL itself is an equivalent
of STRESS but with much more useful capabilities. Initially it was intended to make everything an one step
process, i.e. to read injxit in a free-field form, generate all
necessary statements of STRUDL, store them on a file and let
STRUDL read the file and give the desired output. However due to
several delays in the Civil Engineering system Laboratory, STRUDL
is not yet available and CDL (Command definition language) is now
in the process of experimentation. In consequence the user has to
supply his input according to specific format and the linking between
this subsystem and STRUDL is not automatic. In other words
the process is a two-step one and the user has to take the output
of this program and use it as a STRUDL job. The solution to the flexural plate problem contained herein,
is extremely general regarding boundary conditions and loadings
so that almost every engineering problem of this nature can be
taken care of.