Summary: | CIVINS === A new data base of extreme towline tensions for open ocean towing has been developed that will be incorporated into the U.S. Navy's Program of Ship Salvage Engineering (POSSE). The extreme towline tension consists of the mean towline tension and the peak dynamic tension with a .001 chance of exceedence in a single day. Mean towline tension can be estimated using methods in the U.S. Navy Towing Manual, and is calculated in the main body of POSSE. The statistics of the nonlinear dynamic tensions are determined by a numerical simulation method based on the seakeeping motion of the tug and tow. This simulation method was developed by Jerome H. Milgram. The calculation of the statistics for the dynamic tension is computationally intensive. This requires a data base of extreme tensions (for specified tug, tow, towing speed, sea state, wave angle, and type of towline) to be developed to quickly determine peak tensions. The U.S. Navy Towing Manual has a method of estimating extreme tension. This method neglects the second order wave induced forces that have a significant influence on the surge motions. A revised data base of dynamic tensions was generated that will be incorporated into the POSSE program. This new data base helps tow planners to quickly analyze extreme tensions for different towing conditions, and anticipate dangerous peak tensions. This will result in safer open ocean towing evolutions