Summary: | Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. === The redesign, data acquisition system installation, and software development for the cold-flow Turbine Test Rig is reported. The turbine tested was the Space Shuttle Main Engine High Pressure Fuel Turbopump first stage 'Alternate Turbopump Development' model designed and manufactured by Pratt & Whitney. The purpose of - this research was to establish a continuously operating, cdd-flow, turbine test facility which could be used for future laser-Doppler-velocimetry measurements in the tip leakage region of the turbine rotor blades. Also, to determine both the single and two stage turbine performance parameters, and to provide a test model for comparison with numerical simulations using a three-dimensional viscous flow code. A throttle valve was designed and installed at the turbine exit to control the pressure ratio in order to map the turbine performance. Data acquisition, reduction and display programs were developed using LabVIEW Visual Instrument software in order to collect, and process the data. The first-stage turbine exit velocity profile was measured using a cobra probe. Also, the first-stage turbine performance characteristics were determined. Flow-field characteristics of the first stage turbine were predicted using a three-dimensional viscous flow code.