Summary: | Approved for public release, distribution unlimited === Throughout the history of warfare, different countries have used special operations in their effort to achieve key strategic objectives. The objectives of these special operations ranged from hostage rescue to foreign government overthrow. Nonetheless, all of these objectives were of strategic importance for the high-level decision makers who conceived and ordered the missions. Thus, because of their high potential payoff, these particular special operations aimed at achieving strategic objectives could be defined as Strategic Special Operations. As a consequence of the international terrorism threat within the context of globalization, there is an increased likelihood for Strategic Combined Joint Special Operations to be used in the future as an efficient method for solving potential international crises. This thesis proposes the following principles: a balance between common and national interest, intelligence sharing, interoperability, and a division of responsibilities, as the key factors for the success of Strategic Combined Joint Special Operations. Each principle is analyzed with the intention to highlight the possible issues that may appear during the design, preparation, and execution of Strategic Combined Joint Special Operations. Last but not least, a model of implementing these principles is proposed as a useful tool for political and military decision makers.