Summary: | In a world where changes in technology occur each minute, the demand for a hard Real Time embedded computer system deployed on board naval ships not equipped with Naval Tactical Data System increases. As the demand increases, an important fact looms, a new approach to software development and system design is essential. The approaches used in our research started with the requirement specifying use of Ada as the design language with UNIX as the operating system, and selection of the commercial workstation rugged enough to withstand shipboard requirements. The system requires standard power with no special interface equipment for adaptation to shipboard application. Specific benefits include ease of maintenance and expansion of ongoing processes and applications, allowing the system to grow as the need grows. This study provides a detailed set of requirements, functional specifications, designs, and a prototype implementation of the Integration System for such a system. The approach taken is to implement of the Integration System for such a system. The approach taken is to implement the basic features of a Combat Direction System (CDS) on a commercially available microprocessor workstation. This Integration System for the Low Cost Combat Direction System meets all the requirements specified by the Naval Sea Systems Command. The code provides the basic elements and is designed for integration of a database, a user interface, and the ships sensors necessary to provide essential data to operate the system.