Summary: | Approved for public release, distribution unlimited === One important issue in past Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) hearings has been excess capacity of bases. This thesis evaluated the ability of the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) to absorb the average yearly number of students now attending the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT). Both schools' curricula were reviewed and a course comparison, designed to see if NPS can cover the same course material found in AFIT curricula, was conducted. It was found that NPS courses matched 92% of an AFIT courses for Masters students. NPS capacity was examined and found to be able to accommodate the average students on board at AFIT without requiring major construction for classroom space. Faculty requirements were examined and it was determined that approximately 93 additional faculty members would be required to effectively teach the courses required for an increase of 450 students. The analysis suggests that both schools, AFIT and NPS, discuss the possibility of consolidating both schools at one site.