Summary: | The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the impact that improved in-transit visibility, obtained
through implementation of the Defense Total Asset Visibility {DTAV) plan a11d the Global Transportation
Network (GTN), will ha\'e on reducing material lost in shipment. This research utilizes financial data
generated aboard Navy ships outfitted with the Shipboard Uniform Automated Data Processing System
(SUADPS) to determine the extent of material lost in shipment and to e\•aluate the possible savings that
could be derived through improving material visibility at the requisitioncr (user) level. The exisJing
methods used to track material arc reviewed, weaknesses and deficiencies arc identified, potential savings
are analyzed using linear regression analysis. The Defense Total Asset Visibility Plan (DTAV) and
Global Transportation Network (GTN) arc introduced, and available methods of accessing improved intransit
visibility data arc discussed. This analysis concludes that improved in-transit visibility can re<luce
material lost in shipment through better control of assets in the transportation pipeline and improved
receipt processing at receiving activities.