Summary: | The United States is in the midst of an ambitious effort to build and deploy a wide range of ballistic missile defense systems. These ballistic missile defense systems will be effective against a host of current and postulated threats from ballistic missiles. In this thesis study, we explore the process of enhancing the effectiveness of weapon assignment for a system of systems. First, analysis of information is drawn from current proposed system of the ABM and its construction from the ground up. This research analyzes two ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS), Aegis and Patriot respectively, their attributes, and their current and future roles in a Global Ballistic Defense Missile System. In addition, this thesis presents a software architecture for the ABM weapon assignment component module with object oriented design feasibility with integration as the key ingredient. This research contributed to highlighting some shortfalls in efforts to integrate capabilities and desired capabilities as the missile threat evolves and presents recommendations for follow-on research to improve ABM's weapon assignment capabilities.