Summary: | Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. === The Biot-Tolstoy (B-T) exact impulse solution of diffraction by an infinite half-plane is compared to the usual Helmholtz-Kirchhoff (H-K) integral formulation and to the exact continuous wave (CW) solution of Macdonald. For backscatter the B-T and H-K solutions are found to differ significantly, especially near the surface of the half-plane, where the B-T solution gives close agreement with experiment. For forward scatter the two exact solutions and experimental data are in agreement. B-T is found to agree well with measurements of diffraction by a barrier perpendicular to a rigid base. By considering source and source image in the base separately the concept of 'image of the source in the barrier' is found to be unnecessary. Use of the time domain form of B-T solution in calculating the forward diffraction near a corner and behind a thin strip is shown to give results which agree well with measured data. Secondary diffraction effects are observed in the measurements of diffraction by a thin strip, a non-vertical barrier and a thick edge. (Author)