Summary: | Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited === Materials are generally classified in terms of their constitutive parameters, the complex permittivity and permeability , in the frequency domain. These parameters are used to determine the response of materials to electromagnetic (EM) radiation. Materials found in nature have positive real parts for both and . In recent years, researchers have shown that a new class of materials called metamaterials (MTMs), characterized by inclusions of various shapes and materials that are small compared to wavelength, result in an effectively homogeneous medium with the unique properties of negative real and which cause EM waves traveling through the medium to exhibit unusual characteristics. Zero specular reflection layers for four material types such as double positive (DPS), double negative (DNG), epsilon-negative (ENG) and mu-negative (MNG) materials are examined in this thesis. For each defined type of MTM, the transcendental equations are derived and solved numerically to generate curves for zero specular reflection. A MATLAB program was developed to generate universal curves for DPS, DNG, ENG, and MNG materials. The results were discussed and evaluated to determine wave behavior in each type of MTM as well as how they can be used as a matched-surface radar-absorbing material (RAM) for military application. The results were compared to published data.