Summary: | Joint Vision 2010 introduces the emerging operational concepts of Dominant Maneuver. Precision Engagement, Focused Logistics, and Full Dimensional Protection enabled by Information Superiority. Information Superiority is gained through operational architectures that closely couple the capabilities of sensors, C2, and shooters. This architecture of future warfare can be characterized as Network Centric Warfare. The Navy's response to adapt and develop new operational concepts in support of Network Centric Warfare is Information Technology for the Twenty First Century (IT-21). IT-21 is a reprioritization of existing Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence (C4I) programs of record focused on accelerating the transition to a personal computer (PC) based tactical and support warfighting network. Battle Labs exist Service wide to aid in this growth process. Battle labs are focused organizations created to explore new technology, concepts, doctrine, or tactics, techniques and procedures to improve the efficiency and combat power of the forces. The Systems Technology Battle Lab was established to inject an academic viewpoint into experiments and research sponsored by the MBC and Commander, Third Fleet (COMTHIRDFLT). Currently, the documentation on the systems installed and how they work together to provide a centralized forum for experimentation and research is inadequate. The purpose of this thesis is to provide the STBL user with a guide describing the capabilities of the STBL and an example of its utilization in an integrated form.