Summary: | Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited === A study is made of the circumstances under which there will be incipient buckling in an infinite plate containing a circular hole and subjected to uniform uniaxial tension at a great distance from the hole. This buckling is a consequence of the fact that near the hole and in line with the direction of the applied tensile loadnig, there are areas in which both principal membrane stresses are compressive. Values of critical tensile stress are given, together with expressions for the corresponding lateral deflection patterns. The results are in the form S[cr] = KE(t/a)[2] where E is Young's modulus of elasticity, t is plate thickness, a is hole radius, and K is a bubckling coefficient having the following values for the first four modes: 7.65, 7.80, 11.7, 12.3. A comparison is made with some experimental determinations of Danis for plates of finite width