Summary: | This research report focuses on students' understandings of the limit concept in a first year
Calculus course. The study was done in two phases. A concept test based on limits in
Calculus was given in the first phase to all first year Mathematics students (m ostly men) from
M edunsa. The students were divided into high, middle and low achievers on the basis of
th e ir perform ance in this test.
In the second phase three-students were random ly selected from each of the three groups.
These subjects were individually interviewed. The interview was devised to obtain more
inform ation about the conceptions that students held and the reasoning they used. Students
w ere asked about their understanding of the limit concept and the methods they use to solve
problem s on limits.
Data from the transcripts, capturing essential and relevant bits of student's responses to
each question, was collected. The data was analyzed and misconceptions identified. It was
found that w hen solving problems on limits students only think of the manipulative aspect
and not of the limit concept per se. They have in mind that the limit concept is about
m echanical substitution. Also instead o f saying that the function is not defined at a point,
they talk of a limit not being defined at a point.
M isconceptions can be rem edied if educators are aware of them. The findings of the study
are thus Im portant for designing appropriate teaching strategies not only fo r Medunsa
students but more generally.