Summary: | Submitted in partial fulfillment of a Masters Degree in the Department of Educational Planning and Administration in the Faculty of Education at the University of Zululand, South Africa, 1992. === The purpose of this dissertation was to investigate haw KwaZulu Colleges of Education equipped teacher-trainees as prospective principals of schools with certain administrative procedures.
The central view he Id by this study was that the nature of a teacher's work comprises bath teaching and administrative functions. This suggests that the nature of teacher education and training too, must of necessity, be seen to be acknowledging this reality-
To attain the above idea 1, the "Teaching Science Course" must be restructured so that it is able to produce effective and efficient teachers, managers, administrators and leaders .
The critical review of the Teaching Science Sylabus presented above < paragraph 2.IE), showed that the "Teaching Science Course" had no potential to produce the calibre of a teacher and school principal envisaged by this research.
The researcher was satisfied that the study was successful because :
It was able to reveal empirically, that the current
programme of teacher education offered by KwaZulu Coleges of Education, did have certain flaws. Special
attention was on the "Teaching Science Course" because it had as one of its components "school management and control" <paragraph 2.IS.1) above and appendix C).
The research findings carried a lot of weight. These enabled the researcher to make the fallowing recommendations :
— emphasis should be put on both theory and practice .
— teacher—trainees should be equipped with administrative procedures .
— course content should be restructured to produce teachers and managers .
the programme should allow for pre-service training
for potential school principals .
the concept of internship should be explored.
the regular research on management and leadership
needs should be conducted.
regular staff development programmes, focusing on specific management issues should be mandatory for all school principals.
- change the name of the course.
- aim at produc ing sub jec t teachers and managers.
- base course content on sound theory and practice.
- stretch duration of the course over full period of training .
- base evaluation an bath theory and practice and,
- establish criteria far selection of lecturers.
The proposed plan of action will hopefully improve the quality of teachers and school principals in this region .