Summary: | >Magister Scientiae - MSc === The Proterozoic Namaqua-Natal Province comprises highly deformed rocks of medium to high grade metamorphism and is bordering the Archean Kaapvaal Craton to the west, south and east in South Africa. The sector to the west of the Craton, namely the Namaqua Sector, is structurally complex and subdivided from west to east into the Bushmanland Subprovince, the Kakamas and Areachap terranes of the Gordonia Subprovince and the Kheis Subprovince. The prominent Neusberg Mountain Range, with exposures to the north and south of the Orange River in the Kakamas Terrane constitutes evidence of crustal shortening as a result of continental collision of the Namaqua Sector block with the Kaapvaal Craton during the Namaquan Orogeny. The Mesoproterozoic Korannaland Group in the Kakamas Terrane is affected by faulting, folding and shearing.