Summary: | Magister Scientiae === A member of the Senecioneae subtribe Othonninae, Othonna L. is a genus of some 120 species mainly concentrated in the Greater Cape Floristic Region (GCFR) of South Africa, with a few species extending into southern Namibia, Angola and Zimbabwe. The South African species of Othonna were last revised by Harvey in 1865. Consequently many species, particularly in the winter rainfall-region, remain poorly understood. As a start to ultimately producing a complete revision of this priority genus, this study focussed on a group of some 26 tuberous geophytic species. The geophytic species were subdivided into two species groups: (1) the 'O. bulbosa' group with 23 spp., distinguished by a tuberous rootstock and well-developed stem with leaves cauline, and (2) the 'O. auriculifolia' group with ca. 3 spp., characterized by a rosulate habit with a short, condensed caudex.