Lidmaatskap van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk prakties-teologies verken
Text in Afrikaans === In this study certain dt3ficiencies in connection with administrating church membership are being identified by using statistical information from "Kerkspieel Ill". The cause for these deficiencies can not simply be found in only one or even two factors. It constit...
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Format: | Others |
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Online Access: | Lazenby, Martin John. (1994) Lidmaatskap van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk prakties-teologies verken, University of South Africa, Pretoria, <> |
Summary: | Text in Afrikaans === In this study certain dt3ficiencies in connection with administrating church
membership are being identified by using statistical information from
"Kerkspieel Ill". The cause for these deficiencies can not simply be found in
only one or even two factors. It constitutes in several factors some of which
are easier to evaluate than others. The fact that it is not easy to measure a
cause, does not mean that it should be avoided.
Therefore, the practice concerning church membership is being examined in
an exploring manner as it is an indispensable organisational matter. It is being
approached from two dimensions: first the ecclesiology of the church is
studied from a systematic-theological and practical-theological viewpoint with
the purpose to determine whether that which the Dutch Reformed Church
confesses as church clogma is indeed theologically acceptable. Then, with
the ecclesiology as background, the structural phenomenon af church
membership is investigated to see in what way the current practice in
connection with church membership is conducive or perhaps destructive to
the practice of the ecclesiology of the church.
After identifying certain descrepancies between the church law and
regulations and the E!Cclesiological confession on the one hand, and the
church law and regulations and the current practice of membership on the
other hand, a new practice for membership is designed. The aim of this new
practice is to unite the church's ecclesiological confession and its practice on
membership in a closer relationship to each other with the goal to lead
members of the church to a fuller understanding of the meaning of their
membership. This better understanding will serve as motivation for a more
dedicated service to God in honor of his Name. The expectation is that other.
renewing projects such as liturgical renewal, will be more effective if it is
condu·cted in an atmosphere where members have a better understanding of
their membership. === In hierdie studie word vanuit statistiese gegewens soos veral in Kerkspieel Ill
opgeteken, sekere lee1mtes wat verband hou met lidmaatskap in die kerk
ge'identifiseer. Die oorsake vir die leemtes is sekerlik nie simplisties in slegs
een of selfs twee faktore te vind nie. Dit hou verband met 'n verskeidenheid
van faktore waarvan sommige makliker meetbaar is as ander. Die feit dat 'n
saak nie maklik meetbaar is nie, beteken nie dat dit vermy moet word nie.
Daarom word hier verkennend gekyk na die hantering van kerklike
lidmaatskap as onontbeerlike organisatoriese aangeleentheid. Dit word van
twee kante benader: eerstens word gekyk na die kerk se ekklesiologie vanuit
'n sistematies- en prakties-teologiese perspektief met die doel om vas te stel
of dit wat in die Ned Geref Kerk oor die kerk geleer word teologies
versoenbaar is. Teen hierdie ekklesiologiese agtergrond word die strukturele
verskynsel van lidmaatskap bekyk om uiteindelik na te gaan in watter mate
die huidige praxis in VE!rband met lidmaatskap bevorderlik of dalk afbrekend
inwerl< op die praxis van die ekklesiologie.
Nadat bepaalde diskrepansies tussen die kerkordelike bepalinge en die
ekklesiologiese belydenis aan die een kant asook tussen die kerkordelike
bepalinge en die huidige praxis van lidmaatskap aan die anderkant aangetoon
is, word 'n nuwe praxis vir kerklike lidmaatskap aan die hand gedoen. Die
bedoeling is om die kerk se ekklesiologiese belydenis en die betekenis van
kerklike lidmaatskap nader aan mekaar te bring sodat die lidmate van die kerk
daartoe gelei kan wor:d om al beter te verstaan waarom dit in lidmaatskap
eintlik gaan en deur hierdie beter begrip daartoe gemotiveer te word om met
groter toewyding die Here tot sy eer te dien. Die verwagting is dat ander
kerkvernuwende projekte soos oa die vernuwing van die erediens meer
effektief sal wees indien dit geskied waar lidmate ' === Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology === D.Th. (Practical Theology) |