Summary: | This thesis examines the problems facing many of the rural water projects,
especially in terms of their planning and implementation . There is a strong
belief that water services in the rural areas are often not sustainable, and
this is one of the major questions facing policy-makers over the last few
The complexity of this problem has necessitated the development of a
research project which will enable the assessment of various problems that
become a barrier to the sustainability of water projects. The present study
was carried out in Emfundweni administrative area of the Umzimkhulu
district in the Eastern Cape Province.
The methodology was based on a study of opinions, beliefs, ideas and
realities as examined through research amongst community members, water
department officials, local government staff in the form of the T.L.C's and
engineers who were involved with the Emfundweni water project.
One of the key aims of the study was to examine what problems affected the
sustainability of water projects in rural areas, with the Emfundweni as a case
study. The decision to include community members in the study is based on
the fact that people involved in this water project hold their own perceptions,
attitude and bias regarding what factors constituted problems that led to the
lack of sustainability of the water project.
The method that was used in the study allowed the researcher to compare the
perceptions of the T.L.C's with those held by the community members
engineers and water department officials.
The findings supported the five hypotheses set out by the researcher in order
to test the working model. === Thesis (M.A.)-University of Durban-Westville, 2003.