Summary: | In the 21st century, scientific communities face challenges and opportunities concerning future development, where innovations must be a key driver over the past, evolution of African societies were based on incomplete models, only taking into account economical growth and not paying attention to environmental deterioration as a consequence of anthropogenic activity and environmental pollution. We have to learn from our past mistakes in order not to repeat them. Education and research of today as the embryonic stages of the development models of tomorrow should be directed toward a sustainable mentality. In this sense, solar energy technologies have emerged as key instruments for minimizing environmental impact as well as reducing economic cost in the field of renewable energies. Titanium dioxide is a fascinating low cost material exhibiting unique properties of stability and photo catalytic activities, leading to clean technologies in water purification and energy conversion of sunlight. However, conventional techniques (high temperature, high vacuum, high pressures) of processing titanium dioxide are a technological limitation due to excessive energy consumption. This poses a handicap for practical applications in areas such as preparation of hybrid organic/Titanium dioxide materials or devices on thermo flexible substrates such as plastic material. It is for this reason that the investigation presented in this Ph.D thesis deals with the development of spray pyrolysis techniques for preparation of carbon doped titanium dioxide nano powders for solar cell applications. This thesis is therefore structured as follows: Chapter 1 gives a general overview of the work done in this thesis. This work relies greatly on the excellent structural optical and electrical properties of TiO2 thin films, as well as its chemical resistance and insulating properties. A summary of the physical, optical, electrical and chemical properties reported in the literature, with an emphasis on those relevant to solar cell fabrication, is presented in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 gives a concise literature review on models governing droplet formation in ultrasonic spray pyrolysis (USP) techniques, the limitations of these models have been exposed and a new relation model for estimating the final particle size given a set of initial reaction conditions has been proposed. The presently derived model is quite advantageous in that it does not require the investigator to look up values of surface tension and density for every precursor solution. Chapter 4 presents in detail the designed and constructed spray pyrolysis system capable of realizing desired nano structures for photovoltaic applications. The first system employed an ultrasonic atomization spray nozzle in order to create an aerosol of the TiO2 precursor. The reasons for choosing ultrasonic spray deposition (USP) and the TiO2 precursors, titanium iso propoxide and titanium tetra butoxide are discussed. Chapter 5 outlines experimental methodologies used in synthesis and characterization of the materials used in this study. Chapter 5 further provides experimental methodologies used in fabrication of a new type of photo electrochemical solar cells (PECs). Chapter 6 reveals the opto-electrical results of PECs solar cells fabricated. There are numerous properties that are affected by the size but emphasis will be placed on nano-size and confinement effects. Chapter 7 presents a confirmation of the phonon confinement effects in C-TiO2 QDs for the first time. In addition Chapter 7 also presents a new phonon confinement model. Chapter 8 reveals the optical, structural and electronic properties of C-TiO2 QDs synthesized by USP and PSP techniques. In addition the electrical properties of C-TiO2 QDs PEC solar cells devices are reported in Chapter 8. Concluding remarks, with potential future research projects are presented in Chapter 9. Through these 9 chapters, all research questions have been answered satisfactorily and all objectives met. Most of the work contained in this thesis has been subjected to external reviews through publication of these peer reviewed articles.