Summary: | Bibliography: p. 103-107. === Contract No. LHDA (Lesotho Highlands Development Authority) 1000 is the design and construction of the supporting infrastructure for the Mohale Dam, Phase lB of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project (LHWP). The Environmental Evaluation Unit (EEU) of the University of Cape Town (UCT) was employed by GBJV (Gibbs-Bergman Joint Venture), consulting engineers, to conduct the environmental impact assessments for contract No. LHDA 1000. The impact assessments were: * an initial EIA of the Maseru bypass alternatives; * an EIA of two site access roads at the Mohale Dam construction site; * an EIA of the Resident Engineers Camp, and * an EIA of the Least Cost Alternative Route (LCAR) and the Western Access Route (WAR) for the transport of construction materials to the Mohale Dam site. The WAR, which forms part of the existing Mountain Road, was identified as a viable option for the transport of construction materials to the Mohale Dam site. The LCAR was identified from eight alternatives, excluding the WAR, in an initial desk-top study, as a viable route. The WAR proposal involves the upgrading part of existing Mountain Road, which runs in an easterly direction from Maseru, over the Thaba-Putsoa Mountain Range to ThabaTseka. The WAR proposal would upgrade 60 km of this presently degraded road between St. Michael's and Patiseng. The LCAR runs from Maputsoe to Ha Mateka via Teyateyaneng along existing roads. 55 km of new road will be built through the Jorodane Valley from_ Ha Mateka to Mafotholeng (refer to Map 1). Two separate baseline EIA reports were produced for the LCAR and the WAR proposals.