Organisasie-innovasie vir omgewingsbestuur

Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. === ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The complexity of environmental problems and the demands that these make on organisations to create integrated management outcomes in a participative way in a multilevel context with many role-players, have highlighted the searc...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Ward, Willie (Willem Jacobus)
Other Authors: Muller, J. J.
Format: Others
Published: Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University 2012
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Summary:Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. === ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The complexity of environmental problems and the demands that these make on organisations to create integrated management outcomes in a participative way in a multilevel context with many role-players, have highlighted the search for new innovative organisational forms. Organisations have specific structural characteristics with regard to complexity, formalisation and (de)centralisation, that correspond with their core activities and their external circumstances. The traditional bureaucracy, as an organisational structure, is a rigid and hierarchical system that is based on formal rules, complex management systems and centralised decision-making. The spread of postmodernism highlighted the restrictions of bureaucracies and started a process, throughout the world, that is transforming organisations into flatter, less formal structures. The focus of this study was to determine to which extent organisations in the field of sustainable development adapt to new realities and experiment with innovative organisational forms. Greenpeace, as an international environmental organisation, a Representative Forum, as an Agenda 21 type institutional mechanism for interest groups in the integrated development planning processes at local government level, and Water Catchment Management Agencies, as organisational institutional form for the integrated management of all aspects with regard to water resources, were analysed as case studies. The case studies confirm the increase in and application of multilevel network type organisational forms in the field of natural resources management. It highlights a common vision, processes that work towards reaching consensus and the forming of partnerships. The rise of the network organisation, its advantages and potential problems, are finally discussed with a view to the future. === AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die kompleksiteit van omgewingprobleme en die vereistes wat dit stel aan organisasies om op 'n deelnemende wyse in 'n multivlak en multi-rolspeler konteks ge·'ntegreerde bestuursuitkomste te bewerkstellig, het die fokus op die soeke na nuwe innoverende organisasievorme laat val. Organisasies het bepaalde strukturele eienskappe in terme van kompleksiteit, formalisasie en (de)sentralisasie wat grootliks aanpas by hulle kernbedrywighede en die eksterne omstandighede waarin hulle hulself bevind. Die tradisionele burokrasie as organisasievorm is 'n rigiede en hierarqiese sisteem wat geskoei is op sentrale besluitneming, formele reels en komplekse bestuurstelsels. Met die koms van postmodernisme het die beperkinge van die reuse burokrasiee aan die lig gekom en is daar, regoor die wereld, 'n proses aan die gang gesit wat talle organisasies in platter, minder formele en losser strukture verander. In die studie is ondersoek ingestel tot watter mate organisasies in die veld van volhoubare omgewingsbestuur by die nuwe realiteite aanpas en met nuwe innoverende organisasievorme eksperimenteer. Greenpeace, as internasionale omgewingsorganisasie, 'n Verteenwoordige Forum as Agenda 21-tipe institusionele meganisme vir belangegroepe in die geYntegreerde ontwikkelingsbeplanningsprosesse op plaaslike regeringsvlak, en Wateropvanggebied-bestuursagentskappe as organisatoriese institusionele vorm vir die qemteqreerde bestuur van aile aspekte wat met waterhulpbronne te make het, is as gevallestudies ontleed. Die gevallestudies bevestig die toenemde voorkoms en aanwending van multivlak netwerk-tipe organisasievorme op die gebied van natuurlike hulpbronbestuur wat die klem laat val op 'n samebindende visie, konsensus-soekende prosesse en venootskapsvorming. Die opkoms van die netwerkorganisasie met sy voordele sowel as die potensiele probleme, word ten slotte in 'n toekomsblik beskou.