Summary: | Thesis (MCur (Interdisciplinary Health Sciences. Nursing Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. === ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa’s Department of Health has stated that knowledge about contraception and reproduction is
generally poor, mentioning the substantial uncertainty and misperceptions concerning contraception
(Department of Health, 2003:10). Students in higher education institutions are presumed to have a
generally higher level of awareness of accessible methods regarding contraception and emergency
contraception, but the request rate for the termination of pregnancy among students in higher education
remains high (Roberts et al., 2004:441). The researcher identified a need for a study to assess students’
knowledge of contraception and emergency contraception. The goal of this study was to explore the
scope of undergraduate students’ knowledge on the matter and to determine to what extent students
make use of contraception and emergency contraception. In this study a quantitative approach with an
explorative-descriptive research design was applied.
The target population of this study included all the full-time undergraduate students at a particular
university in South Africa (N=15 872). A non probability, convenience sample was used to select a
sample size of 200 undergraduate students at the particular university. Reliability and validity were
assured by means of a pilot test conducted over a period of two weeks. The researcher personally
collected the data which was gathered by means of self-administered questionnaires. Ethical clearance
for this study was obtained from the University Health Research Ethics Committee. As university
students were involved this study, consent was also obtained from the university’s Director of
Institutional Research.
The raw data was entered on a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. A statistician from the University Centre
for Statistical Consultation was consulted regarding the analysis of the data by making use of Statistica
version 9-software. Quantitative data was presented in histograms and tables, while qualitative data
was analysed by means of Tesch’s approach. The overall conclusion was that students at a higher
education institution generally had a sound knowledge of contraception, but that their knowledge of
emergency contraception was poor. The overall recommendation was that students should be provided
with accurate, specific information regarding contraception and emergency contraception, and that this
information would need to be user friendly, easily accessible and widely available in order to decrease
students’ misperceptions about contraception. === AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika se Departement van Gesondheid het die stelling gemaak dat kennis oor kontrasepsie en
voortplanting oor die algemeen gebrekkig is en dat daar baie onsekerheid en wanopvattings oor
kontrasepsie bestaan (Department of Health, 2003:10). Studente aan hoëronderwysinstellings is
veronderstel om ‘n algemene hoër vlak van bewustheid te hê omtrent toeganklike metodes van
kontrasepsie en noodkontrasepsie, maar die aantal versoeke vir die terminasie van swangerskappe is
steeds hoog onder hoëronderwysstudente (Roberts et al., 2004:441). Die navorser het die behoefte
geïdentifiseer aan `n studie om studente se kennis betreffende kontrasepsie en noodkontrasepsie te
bepaal. Die doel van die studie was om die omvang van studente se kennis te ondersoek en vas te stel
tot watter mate voorgraadse studente van kontrasepsie en noodkontrasepsie gebruik maak. In hierdie
studie is ‘n kwantitatiewe benadering met ‘n ondersoekend-beskrywende navorsingsontwerp gevolg.
Die teikenpopulasie van die studie het alle voltydse voorgraadse studente aan ‘n Universiteit in die
Wes-Kaap (N=15 872) ingesluit. ‘n Niewaarskynlike, gerieflikheidsteekproef is gebruik om ‘n
steekproefgrootte van 200 uit die voorgraadse studente van die betrokke universiteit te selekteer.
Betroubaarheid en geldigheid is deur ‘n loodsstudie verseker. Die loodsstudie het oor ‘n periode van
twee weke plaasgevind. Die navorser het die data wat deur middel van self-geadministreerde vraelyste
ingewin is, persoonlik ingesamel. Etiese toestemming vir die studie is van die universiteit se Etiese
Komitee vir Gesondheidsnavorsing verkry. Aangesien universiteitstudente by die studie betrokke was,
is toestemming ook van die Direkteur van Institusionele Navorsing van die betrokke universiteit
Die rou data is op ‘n Microsoft Excel werkblad ingevoer. ‘n Statistiese ontleder van Stellenbosch
Universiteit se Sentrum vir Statistiese Konsultasie is geraadpleeg omtrent die analise van data met
behulp van Statistica weergawe 9-sagteware. Kwantitatiewe data is voorgestel deur histogramme en
tabelle, en die kwalitatiewe data is geanaliseer deur middel van Tesch se benadering. Die
hoofbevindinge was dat studente aan ‘n hoëronderwysinstelling se kennis van kontrasepsie oor die
algemeen goed was, maar dat hulle nie voldoende kennis oor noodkontrasepsie gehad het nie. Die
hoofaanbeveling was dat studente voorsien moet word van akkurate, spesifieke inligting rakende
kontrasepsie en noodkontrasepsie, en dat die inligting verbruikersvriendelik, maklik toeganklik en wyd
beskikbaar moet wees om studente se wanopvattings ten opsigte van kontraseptiewe middels te