Die invloed van kroonaarhartomleidingchirurgie op die huweliksverhouding en gesinsfunksionering van die pasiënt

Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. === ENGLISH ABSTRACT: It is well known that coronary bypass graft surgery influences the psycho-social adjustment of the patient, but little is known about the effect of bypass surgery on the family members of the patient. The primary aim of this stu...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Van der Poel, Alette
Other Authors: Greeff, A. P.
Format: Others
Published: Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University 2012
Online Access:http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/51709
Summary:Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. === ENGLISH ABSTRACT: It is well known that coronary bypass graft surgery influences the psycho-social adjustment of the patient, but little is known about the effect of bypass surgery on the family members of the patient. The primary aim of this study was to assess the effect of coronary bypass graft surgery on certain aspects of the marital relationship and family functioning of the patient. The secondary aim was to determine which coping strategies families used during the two months after the operation. An experimental pre-test and post-test research design was used. Data during the first measure was collected by means of Biographical, Enriching and Nurturing Relationship Issues, Communication and Happiness (ENRICH)- and Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale-II (FACES II)-questionnaires, which were completed by the patient, the spouse of the patient and the eldest child still living with the parents. ENRICH-, FACES 11-and Family Crisis Oriented Personal Evaluation Scales (F-COPES)-questionnaires were used during the second measure which was conducted two months after the operation. The results indicated that bypass surgery affected the patients' marital satisfaction and communication negatively and changed their attitudes toward the division of new roles in the marriage and family. Bypass surgery had a further negative influence on the emotional bonding of the patients and their spouses with other members of the family. The patients' adaptability regarding new challenges facing the family was also negatively affected. The patients in the experimental group who were still working also showed a greater decline than the retired patients with regards to some of the measured variables. The coping strategies most often used by the families were the seeking of spiritual support and the reframing of the problem. Correlation coefficients between changes in the marital and family variables of the patient and the coping strategies used indicated that if passive appraisal was used, the patients' marital satisfaction would decrease and if reframing of the problem was used, the patients' adaptability regarding new challenges facing the family would increase. === AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Alhoewel kroonaarsiektes die psigo-sosiale aanpassing van die pasiënt beïnvloed, bestaan daar min inligting oor die invloed wat kroonaarhartomleidingchirurgie op die huweliksverhouding en gesinsfunksionering van die pasiënt het. Die doel van hierdie ondersoek is om te bepaal hoe kroonaarhartomleidingchirurgie sekere aspekte van die pasiënt se huweliks- en gesinslewe beïnvloed. Verder het die ondersoek ten doelom te bepaal watter coping-strategieë die gesin post-operatief gebruik. Daar is van 'n eksperimentele voor- en na-metingnavorsingsontwerp gebruik gemaak. Data is ingesamel met Biografiese, Enriching and Nurturing Relationship Issues, Communication and Happiness (ENRICH)- en Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale-II (FACES II)-vraelyste wat gedurende 'n voormetingsgeleentheid deur die pasiënt, huweliksmaat van die pasiënt en oudste kind wat nog in die huis bly, voltooi is. Die na-meting, wat bestaan het uit die voltooing van ENRICH-, FACES 11-en Family Crisis Oriented Personal Evaluation Scales (F-COPES)-vraelyste, het twee maande na die operasie plaasgevind. Die resultate toon dat kroonaarhartomleidingchirurgie die pasiënte se huwelikstevredenheid en -kommunikasie nadelige beïnvloed het en 'n veranderinge in hul houding oor die rolverdeling in die huwelik en gesin teweeg gebring het. Verder het die operasie 'n nadelige effek op die pasiënte en hul huweliksmaats se gevoel van emosionele binding met ander gesinslede gehad. Die pasiënte se vermoë om by nuwe eise en uitdagings wat aan die gesin gestel word aan te pas, is ook nadelig beïnvloed. Verder is bevind dat die werkende pasiënte 'n groter verandering as die afgetrede pasiënte ten opsigte van sekere van die gemete veranderlikes getoon het. Die coping-strategieë wat die meeste deur die gesinne gebruik is, is die soeke na geestelike ondersteuning en die herdefiniëring van die probleem. Die resultate het ook aangedui dat as passiewe waardering as coping-strategie gebruik word, die pasiënte se tevredenheid met hul huwelik sal afneem. Verder sal gesinne se vermoë om by nuwe eise en uitdagings wat aan die gesin gestel word aan te pas, toeneem indien herdefiniëring van die probleem as coping-strategie gebruik word.