Summary: | The purpose of the investigation was to obtain a
psychological evaluation of coloured pupils who failed.
Chapter One stipulates the goals of the investigation and
explores the literature concerning failure and aspects
dealing with pupils who failed. A review of the conceptions
and extent of failure among the different population groups
in South Africa are given. The experience of failure by die
pupil who failed, teachers, friends and parents, and the
characteristics and aspects to be found in the pupil who
failed, are then discussed. The aspects covered are
interpersonal and family relations, socio-economical and
cultural aspects, and personality characteristics. This is
followed by a discussion of the causes of failure, as well
as preventive and reductive measures.
The methods of investigation are discussed in Chapter Two.
The structure of the experiment, the subjects, the
psychometrical instruments and the statistical methods used
are covered. Twenty coloured pupils who failed are compared
with twenty-three coloured pupils who passed. The
investigation consisted of the following:
a. The Survey of Study Habits and Attitudes (SSHA) to
determine the study habits and -attitudes of the
coloured pupils who failed.
b. The High School Personality Questionnaire (HSPQ)
and Group Personality Projective Test (GPPT) to
determine a possible personality structure of the
coloured pupils who failed.
c. The High School Interest Questionnaire to determine a
possible interest profile of the coloured pupils who
d. The Cattell Culture Fair Intelligence Test (Scale 3)
for measuring the intellectual capability of the
coloured pupils who passed and failed.
The results are then discussed in Chapter Three. No
significant differences were found between the coloured
pupils who passed with respect to study habits and attitudes
and interest. However, on the whole the coloured pupils who
failed seem to tend to have bad study habits and attitudes,
as well as a lack of interest. Significant differences were
found in the personality evaluation, as well as in the
verbal intellectual capability of the coloured
pupil who failed and those who passed. No significant
differences were found in the non-verbal intellectual capabilities.
The investigation and conclusions are summarized in Chapter
Four. The most important conclusions are the following:
* Although differences were found, these are not significant enough to establish a personality structure of
the coloured pupil who failed. No clear profile can
be attributed to the personality of the coloured
pupil who have failed.
* The poor socio-economical conditions and cultural and
educational backwardness of the coloured population
group, are factors that must be taken into consideration. These aspects of the coloured population
group still demand urgent and close attention.
* The coloured educational system justifies more financial support as well as educational and extra-mural facilities. === Thesis (MA)--PU vir CHO, 1989