Summary: | The aim of the research is to establish:
• the role of the principal in management development with respect to the management team;
• the management development methods the principal of a secondary school has at his disposal;
• which methods are currently used by school principals to accomplish management development.
In chapter 2 the concept of management development is determined, followed by a discussion of the
aims, requirements and advantages of management development. Hence the role of the principal in
management development with respect to the management team is discussed.
In chapter 3 the differences between andragogy and pedagogy, as well as the different management
development methods which are available to the principal, are highlighted.
In chapter 4 the research strategy is set out and the results of the empirical survey conveyed.
The aim of the empirical survey is to determine:
• to what degree principals apply management development;
• the principal's perception of his role in management development;
• the management team's perception of the role of the principal in management development;
• which management development methods are utilised by the principal to accomplish management development.
The most important deductions resulting from the study are given in chapter 5. It appears from the
literature study for example that the principal is primarily responsible for management development
and there is a need for the development of managerial skills of the management team. It seems that
the purpose of management development is to improve the managerial capability of the individual.
The principal has to convey the goals for management development to the participants as well as their
performance in attaining these goals. A policy tor management development is essential and should
provide guidelines as to who should participate and what the contents should be. It appears from the
empirical survey for example that the managing of management development corresponds in all
schools but is influenced by the leadership style of the principal. Further, it appears that management
development takes place at most schools in Northern Natal, but no formal policy for management
development exists at these schools. It also appears that the general methods used for management
development are meetings, delegation and management team work. === Skripsie (MEd)--PU vir CHO, 1993