Summary: | Sustainable development and resource efficiency are the common global strategies
of the 21st century. The actual global natural resource consumption of humankind
went far over the limit and to cover this worldwide resource consumption the productivity
of 1.5 earths is now necessary.
The work “Reduction of anthropogenic environmental influences by advanced and
optimized technologies” discussed the problem of advanced resource efficiencies
with mining activities in South Africa as an example. Related strategies to reverse
anthropogenic impacts to such an extent that it resembles former natural conditions
were also discussed. Heavy metal contaminated soil and water were treated with
natural techniques and different natural media to reduce and eliminate contamination
and to provide a market value for former unusable material. Specially developed soil
ameliorants and natural filter media could increase the total quality of soil and water.
Even plants could be established in these changed conditions. Applied to the natural
environment an overall upgrade of mining activities could be achieved.
To optimize these laboratory and field results support was generated by using evolutionary
algorithms as part of the artificial intelligence. By combining applied technologies
with the evolution strategy an optimization tool could be developed to simulate,
optimize and forecast procedures of anthropogenic impact reversion. With this tool a
transfer of solutions to other similar applications in under–developed and developing
countries could be shown.
The trans–disciplinary scientific approach of balancing the trigger element carbon
proved that the reduction to the smallest common element carbon can be used to
balance processes and to indicate pollution. As stated in the United Nations Framework,
carbon balances are one of the most significant causes of environmental problems,
including environmental pollution and health and are also closely related to climate
change in general. With carbon balances resource efficiency and resource protection
can be transferred into practice.
Finally, all results were collected and verified in a decision support system with the
aim to optimize the treatment steps and to make the results transparent and available
for users in academia and practice. The work was exemplary in showing that the approach
of environmental sciences and techniques to reverse anthropogenic interferences
back to natural sustainability and evolution, optimized the equilibrium of nature. === Thesis (Ph.D. (Environmental Science))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.