Summary: | This study was prompted by the findings of a preliminary visit by this investigator to selected schools in the Mafikeng Area Office (AO) which revealed that some principals are overwhelmed by the work facing them in implementing policies. This study there fore seeks to understand, in an in-depth way. how principals respond to, react to and are affected by policy change both personally and professionally. The central question investigated in this study is: What are the experiences of high school principals regarding the implementation of the National Curriculum Statement?
Two methods of investigation were used in this study. The first was a review of related
literature on the topic and the second was an empirical investigation. This was an exploratory study undertaken within the qualitative research tradition and using the social constructivist framework. The information was gathered from high school principals from different geographical areas in urban and rural schools regarding the implementation of the National Curriculum Statement. The interview method was chosen by the researcher in order to obtain in-depth information from well experienced high school principals.
The participants in this study consisted of six principals of high schools in the Mafikeng Area Office, three from rural urea schools and three from urban area schools. These participants were purpose fully sampled because of their experience and familiarity with the process of policy change in schools. Responses from each participant were analyzed for key themes and then summarized and patterns sought according to questions posed during the interview.
Findings from the study revealed that principals have encountered challenges in the
implementation of curriculum changes in general as teachers are frustrated by not being considered when changing curriculum. The manner in which curriculum is implemented in schools confuses principals, teachers, parents and the learners. It is recommended that high school principals as head of schools be trained and guided on matters related to curriculum implementation so that they assist teachers and learners. Curriculum planners need to involve principals as key agents of change in the school system. === Thesis (M. Ed.) North-West University, Mafikeng Campus, 2012