孫樵古文研究= Study on classical prose of Sun Qiao

唐宋古文運動是一場橫跨兩個朝代,曠日持久的文體改革風潮。前人在 唐宋古文運動的整體研究中,往往只重視中唐以及北宋兩個時期,對晚唐古文有所忽略。有見及此,本文以晚唐古文家孫樵及其〈孫可之文集〉中三十六篇古文(含自序)為研究對象,以客觀評價孫樵在中國文學史的地位為目標,並以小見大,反映晚唐古文運動的成效及影響,期望補足前人在古文研究上較為薄弱的一個環節。 孫樵是晚唐古文的殿軍人物,然而歷來對他的評價不一,而研究成果亦相當稀少。相對於晚唐時代其他古文作者,他更有意識地繼承韓、柳留下的古文餘緒,除了以韓愈三傳弟子自居外,更重要的是他在作品中有意識地闇揚了中唐的古文理論,並以此躬身力行地創作古文,形式上...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: 劉健生
Format: Others
Published: HKBU Institutional Repository 2014
Online Access:https://repository.hkbu.edu.hk/etd_oa/107
Summary:唐宋古文運動是一場橫跨兩個朝代,曠日持久的文體改革風潮。前人在 唐宋古文運動的整體研究中,往往只重視中唐以及北宋兩個時期,對晚唐古文有所忽略。有見及此,本文以晚唐古文家孫樵及其〈孫可之文集〉中三十六篇古文(含自序)為研究對象,以客觀評價孫樵在中國文學史的地位為目標,並以小見大,反映晚唐古文運動的成效及影響,期望補足前人在古文研究上較為薄弱的一個環節。 孫樵是晚唐古文的殿軍人物,然而歷來對他的評價不一,而研究成果亦相當稀少。相對於晚唐時代其他古文作者,他更有意識地繼承韓、柳留下的古文餘緒,除了以韓愈三傳弟子自居外,更重要的是他在作品中有意識地闇揚了中唐的古文理論,並以此躬身力行地創作古文,形式上包攬各類古文運動的重要體式、內容上反映了晚唐廣闊的生活面貌,正能體現晚唐古文的成就。 本文共分為五章,第一章是本文緒論,而第五章則是結論。第二、第三章均以孫樵的古文理論作為研究重心,比較完整地疏理了孫樵的古文理論,具體而清晰地區分他上紹自史學體系的「尚實」理論與?原始自險,怪思想的「尚吾」理論兩大系統,對兩者的理論淵源、核心思想和創作表現作出了闡釋,區分了理論的主次從屬。 第四章則以文體學作為切人角度,闡述孫樵在文體上對中唐古文的繼承與開拓。 在解讀孫樵文本同時,本文亦嘗試解決種種與中晚唐古文相關的問題,並藉著對問題的思考提煉個人觀點,以此反映晚唐古文的獨特地位。 The main focus of the C1assica1 Prose Movement of the Tang and Song dynasties was on the reform of writing sty1e. In previous scho1arship on this Movement, however, attention was given main1y to the Mid Tang and the Northern Song, whi1e the Late Tang remained unheeded. For this reason, the present thesis attempts to fill this 1acuna by conducting a comprehensive study of the life and works of Sun Qiao (1ate ninth century), aiming to give an objective eva1uation to his p1ace in the history of Chinese 1iterature. Sun Qiao was among the writers par excellence of the 1ate Tang period, but, in the scanty scho1arship on him, critics had different views. Compared to the classica1 prose writers of the same time, Sun Qiao was more conscious in inheriting the fine 1egacy of Han Yu (786-824) and Liu Zhongyuan (773-819). In addition to proud1y claiming himse1f as a third-generation discip1e of Han Yu, Sun conscious1y promoted the 1iterary tradition of the mid Tang, both in theory and in practice. His prose forms include those of the Classica1 Prose Movement, covering various aspects of peop1e's 1ife of his time. His writings represent the achievement of C1assica1 Prose Movement of the 1ate Tang. This thesis is comprised of five chapters. The first and fina1 chapters are respective1y “Introduction" and “Conclusion." Chapters Two and Three are comprehensive discussion of Sun Qiao' s classica1 prose theory, which may be divided into two systems, name1y “advocacy of rea1ism" (shang shi尚實) and "advocacy of grotesque" (shang qi尚奇 ) . The former stemmed from historiographica1 thought and the 1atter from grotesque aesthetics. The discussion focuses on their theoretica1 backgrounds, core ideas, and how they are used in his writing. Chapters Four dea1s with issues concerning 1iterary genres. It discusses how Sun Qiao inherited 1iterary traditions from Han Yu and Liu Zhongyuan, and evaluates Sun's own innovation. In addition to ana1yzing Sun Qiao' s classica1 prose, this thesis a1so aims to solve some prob1ems re1ated to mid to 1ate Tang classica1 prose. The findings will be my own reflection on the unique contribution made by the Late Tang C1assica1 Prose Movement and its p1ace in the history of Chinese 1iterature.