Summary: | The present study evaluated the effectiveness of the Triple P homework tip-sheet and video
by measuring changes in children's homework difficulties, levels of accuracy and completion
of homework tasks, academic achievement and classroom behaviour. Goal-setting and
contingency-contracting procedures were also investigated in response to additional support
requested by the parents as the study progressed. Participants included five parent-child
dyads that were selected from a single primary school in the Christchurch area. The study
was conducted using an ABCD multiple baseline design. Results show that the use of the
Triple P homework resources, and the subsequent implementation of goal-setting and
contingency-contracting procedures, improved parents' ratings of homework problems,
improved homework completion and accuracy, improved academic achievement, and
improved most of the participant's on-task behaviour. In conclusion, this intervention
provides a positive and manageable approach that provides parents with realistic strategies
designed to help them manage their children's homework problems. Additional benefits of
the intervention for parents and their children are discussed, and issues pertaining to the
relevance of homework content.