Summary: | In my opinion, I believe that when there is impressed upon parents the desire to have a freer supply of fresh air (free from draughts) and pure water in their houses, and a like desire to abhor every variety of filth and dirt in house and person; a new energy may become inherent in their minds, and may be reflected in a little care for the welfare of the children. I would also advocate: A proper supervision of all places in which people are congregated, whether for work, education or domestic life. Let there be more compulsory improvements in cleanliness of houses and back courts and sinks, sewers and ashpits. A proper inspection of food, dairies and shops, in which food is sold. I would also advocate the establishment of one or two depots in the poorer districts of a town or "thriving" village from which could be cheaply sold bottles duly filled with filtered milk properly made up, -cleaned, well stoppered and accompanied by simple instructions. This might achieve great good and could, I believe, be quite well worked. By a proper and more conscientious interest in the above details, and a restoration to people the birth right of our Common humanity: - pure air, pure water, and sunlight, free from smoke and noxious vapours, &c.- When these are attainable, I believe there will soon be a considerable amelioration in the condition of infants, especially as regards diarrhoeal troubles.