Summary: | Conceived in response to earlier research confirming the consistent and long-standing trend of low musical confidence among primary school teachers in the United Kingdom, this study examines the concept of partnership between class teachers and visiting musicians within the primary music classroom. From the dual perspectives of music educator and ethnographic researcher, I investigate dynamics of power and hierarchy present within the primary class teacher and visiting ‘specialist’ musician relationship, which is a typical aspect of current music education teaching practice. Using Christopher Small’s concept of musicking, issues of expertise, talent or giftedness, musical identity, musical confidence and power within the teacher/musician relationship are closely examined. In turn, through study of a programme of collegial classroom musicking, I seek to trial and propose a specific model of dialogic partnership for music education within the primary school that aims to disrupt the continuing cycle of low musical confidence among primary teachers which, in turn, affects their attitudes to teaching music and to their perceptions of musicality among the children whom they are teaching.