Summary: | Business artifacts are a growing topic in service oriented computing. Artifact systems include both data and process descriptions at interface level thereby providing more sophisticated and powerful service inter-operation capabilities. The Guard-Stage-Milestone (GSM) language provides a novel framework for specifying artifact systems that features declarative descriptions of the intended behaviour without requiring an explicit specification of the control flow. While much of the research is focused on the design, deployment and maintenance of GSM programs, the verification of this formalism has received less attention. This thesis aims to contribute to the topic. We put forward a holistic methodology for the practical verification of GSM-based multi-agent systems via model checking. The formal verification faces several challenges: the declarative nature of GSM programs; the mechanisms for data hiding and access control; and the infinite state spaces inherent in the underlying data. We address them in stages. First, we develop a symbolic representation of GSM programs, which makes them amenable to model checking. We then extend GSM to multi-agent systems and map it into a variant of artifact-centric multi-agent systems (AC-MAS), a paradigm based on interpreted systems. This allows us to reason about the knowledge the agents have about the artifact system. Lastly, we investigate predicate abstraction as a key technique to overcome the difficulty of verifying infinite state spaces. We present a technique that lifts 3-valued abstraction to epistemic logic and makes GSM programs amenable to model checking against specifications written in a quantified version of temporal-epistemic logic. The theory serves as a basis for developing a symbolic model checker that implements SMT-based, 3-valued abstraction for GSM-based multi-agent systems. The feasibility of the implementation is demonstrated by verifying GSM programs for concrete applications from the service community.