Summary: | The research sought to examine the extent to which the initial training undertaken by new recruits to the police service in England and Wales has prepared them for their role as police officers by inculcating the attitudes and behaviours considered by the UK police service to be appropriate. The study comprised five elements: 1. Consideration of the notion of appropriate behaviour, the origins of it as being a stated aim of police recruit training and an examination of the evidence to determine whether it is possible to achieve the required outcomes through the medium of classroom-based training. 2. An examination of two cohorts of police recruits, the first in the 1980s and the second in the first decade of the 21st century, to explore the extent to which their initial training shaped their attitudes and behaviour. 3. A review of the teaching methods and curriculum development used to deliver initial training, specifically those aimed at influencing personal attitudes and behaviour. 4. Consideration of the mechanisms used to establish and assess whether new recruits have acquired attitudes and exhibit behaviour appropriate to their role prior to them engaging with the public as fully-fledged police officers. 5. Consideration of the implications for recruiting and training police officers to be able to deal with the demands made of them in a complex, multi-cultural society. Research methods involved the collection of quantitative and qualitative data, primarily using self-report questionnaires and face-to-face interviews. Data were collected at two points in time in respect of the two cohorts (Cohort A 1985-1987 and Cohort B, 2005-2007): Time 1 was when they attended their first day in –force training event, the induction course in respect of Study A. Time 1 for Study B was when applicants for the police service attended the assessment centre to undergo a battery of test and exercises to establish whether they were suitable to be appointed as police officers – before they had received any training. Time 2 data were gathered after the officers had completed the police initial recruit training course in respect of both cohorts. The sample for Study B also included applicants who were not accepted into the police force. The research has identified links between certain key events in history and changes made to the training of newly-appointed police officers. These changes have not necessarily met the aims and objectives set for them by the police service although a major element of the initial recruit training course has been and remains the requirement to equip police officers with the skills necessary to understand and deal appropriately with the diverse needs of complex communities. The analysis of the data has shown that there is no consistent evidence to support the hypothesis that the initial recruit training courses have been able to inculcate the attitudes and behaviours set out in regulations and deemed by the police service as appropriate for police officers. This finding has major implications for the recruiting and training of future police officers at a time when the UK Government is proposing major changes to policing practice and governance.