Summary: | This research is a case study exploring interview and focus group data using template analysis to investigate the influences on success for year 10 boys in a rural secondary school. 'Success' is seen in broad terms defined by the five outcomes of Every Child Matters. As background, views from year 10 boys and KS4 students were collected to provide an overall profile of student perceptions of, and influences on success in Every Child Matters outcomes. In the main study, interviews with nine year 10 boys nominated by teachers as 'successful students' in the context of Every Child Matters were analysed for themes relevant to their perceptions of influences on this success. Teachers' perspectives on their success and influences on achieving it were studied as representing a 'school view' of successful students. Within the context of Every Child Matters, the nine student participants linked their success to influences relating to confidence, motivation, security in a Safe Base in school, resilience and independence. They viewed the role of teachers and the whole school ethos as being highly influential. They also emphasised their personal ability to overcome difficulty and change their lives, and felt that their individual contribution to their success was important. Teachers felt that conformist attitudes, motivation for success, an ability to overcome difficulty and individual personality were important characteristics of these successful boys. Discussion focused on the predominant role of the school ethos and relationships between students, teachers and parents as providing a 'safe base' for the boys. This 'safe base' offered them motivation for achievement, including the building of identity and growth of resilience. The apparent difference in perception of influences on success between students and teachers was discussed in relation to teachers' ability to recognize their role in building a Safe Base for their students. In conclusion suggestions are made about how through different aspects of their role, Educational Psychologists could help other schools to achieve the outcomes seen in this school in the context of Every Child Matters.