Summary: | Linkworkers are front line mental health professionals working mainly in General Practice settings. This study sought to investigate linkworkers' perceptions of work stress and the rewards and demands associated with their work. An action research methodology was adopted whereby emerging themes were presented and discussed with the participants. Individual interviews were conducted with nine linkworkers and themes were identified from the interview transcripts using methods derived from grounded theory. The main themes identified were: demands, coping, individual resilience, ownership and creativity, boundaries, secure base and service philosophy and ethos. Themes, categories and sub categories were presented and discussed with seven of the linkworkers in two focus groups. Focus group transcripts were analysed and additional themes of recognising limitations, disillusionment and the dilemma of setting boundaries were identified. These themes overlapped with those previously identified but were associated with service changes over time. The themes of ownership and creativity and service philosophy and ethos are significant, not only in relation to their impact on individuallinkworkers but also in terms of their relevance for establishing and maintaining a reflective culture within a service and the difficulties inherent in this. The relevance of this work to accessible and newly developing mental health services is considered.